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Database Updated: 04/14/2022 Instructions on Searching: In the Keyword field enter the words you would like to find in the categorical information. You may also limit the way the database is searched by using the pull down menu and selecting another criteria for word recognition. BEGINS WITH is selected by default and looks for the string(s) in the beginning of every word in the fields. (Ex. "shel" will find "shelter" and "shelf" but not "bookshelf.") ENDS WITH is like begins with but looks for the string e

One of the most common resolutions people make each year is losing weight. While the promise to lose weight isn't generally made for financial reasons, it can significantly impact your budget – both positively and negatively.

Financial Gains A person's weight-loss goals can also help them with other common New Year's resolutions – saving money and paying down debt. Here are some of the ways losing weight can help fatten your wallet.