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Gambling occurs whenever people stake something of value on a random event that has the potential to yield a prize. Whether it is the purchase of a lottery ticket, a wager on a horse race, an investment in the stock market or a spin on the pokies, gambling involves risk and a desire to win. While the majority of people gamble legally, some do so illegally.

Research has shown that social norms influence gambling behavior, especially when they are in a public setting. In addition, a person’s general values and prior learning will also play a role. For example, a child may not cheat on a test even when his or her parents teach him to be honest, but if the child sees his or her friends cheating, he or she will likely conform to the group’s norms. This type of conformity is known as situational reinforcement.

The social context and technology of gambling can also affect the way people gamble. For instance, advances in telecommunications have increased the number of places where people can place bets on events, and the growth of Internet-supported gaming has expanded the reach of many casino games. In addition, new technological developments can alter the rules of gambling games and increase players’ expectations of winning.