- Aryacoin – Building a better crypto

Example domain paragraphs

Aryacoin is a new age cryptocurrency, which withholds the original principle on which the concept of cryptocurrency was established. Combining the best in blockchain technology since the time of its creation. Along with this AYA is moving to become a complete DAO allowing users to directly contribute to the project and be included in each and every decision going forward through votes , buy backs and more.

edition_1-line-10 Cross chain Unlike traditional coins which are completely dependent on their native chains , Aryacoin is already existing on other popular chains like ETH and BSC. This allows the users to use Aryacoin on any blockchain they prefer making AYA available to a larger userbase than any coin out there.

hardware_1-line-100 Safety To overcome attacks like 51% . Aryacoin blockchain uses Komodo's DPOW to secure the chain using other safer chains like Bitcoin and Litecoin thus making attacks almost impossible on Aryacoin.