- Artist Sponsors

Description: Getting Sponsors for your art exhibit - and how to use them., All About Music Sponsorship Deals For Independent Artists, Why Do Corporations Buy Art?, 7 Ways to ATTRACT Corporate SPONSORS & BRAND DEALS - #7Ways

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Sponsor or sponsorship may refer to a person or organization with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation:

In popular culture:

Teairra Marí (born Teairra María Thomas ; December 2, 1987) is an American singer-songwriter , dancer , hip hop model and actress . At the age of 17, Jay Z signed her to Def Jam and she released her first album, Teairra Marí . After disappointing sales, she was let go from her recording contract in the middle of production for her second album Second Round . In 2008, she returned to the music scene with the Pleasure P -assisted single "Hunt 4 U". After constant leaks, she was forced to re-record and re-titl