
Example domain paragraphs

I don’t know a thing about you, but I’ll tell you if wanting to learn about skin conditions and vitamin D deficiency affects on your skin, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Those of us that are concerned about the negative affects that UV rays have on the skin’s health are in a bit of a quandary. How do we protect ourselves from wrinkles caused by sun damage and skin-cancer, without also risking vitamin D deficiencies? Here’s what I’ve learned.There are five layers of the epidermis, the outermost of

Most dog owners know that the key to a healthy dog is a nutritious diet and lots of exercise. Although important, these two items alone do not make your dog completely impervious to disease or infection. Probably the most important you can do for your dog is to pay attention to them. If your dog develops diarrhea, quits eating as much as normal, or doesn’t seem to have the energy she usually has, she may be showing symptoms of a simple illness that will go away without any long term effects. These same symp

Classical conditioning for diseases is a concept that has been in existence for a very long time now. It is only now though, that a lot of research is being carried out in this field. Positive thinking and a cheerful attitude has been known to help in fighting off many diseases. A cheerful attitude to life is also known to prevent the development of many illnesses too. The human mind is often conditioned into thinking negatively.Under the concept of classical conditioning, the mind is taught to think positi