- Stichting Art and Technology Foundation - human art and technology

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TechforGood projects in the area of art and technology, with as goal a healthy development of technology, focussing on protecting the weak, and reaching visitors from outside the art-bubble.

The foundation organises the yearly festival Manifestations - Will the Future Design Us? One of the 8 largest exhibitions during the Dutch Design Event, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The week has 350,000 visitors. Goals are: 1. healthy development of technology. 2. reaching people from outside the art-bubble, using art as an inspiring language, philosophizing visually.

The foundation develops several techforgood projects, for instance: - PITCHFORK (Crypto processors for Everyone \o/). The PITCHFORK is a free/libre hardware device for compartmentalizing key material and cryptographic operations in a small and durable USB device. More info . - Parltrack , the largest free open database on the European Parliament, a useful tool for human rights organisations, scientists, journalists and NGOs. More info . - European Firmware Library - Corona contact tracing protocol research

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