- Arriva Finance – Personal finance news and information.

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Personal finance news and information.

If you are looking for a mortgage then it will not be surprising if you find things rather confusing. There are so many different lenders to choose from who offer all sorts of different products and this can make things extremely confusing. It used to worth contacting a financial advisor who would explain to you about all of the different options so that you could get a better understanding of it. Now that they charge an hourly rate rather than getting omission on leads it can mean that they are too expensi

To start with you will need to understand about the different types of mortgages, such as repayments versus interest only, fixed rate versus variable rate or tracker rate and you might be able to get this information from your bank. Banks will provide free financial advice but they will only discuss the products that they have available so they will be biased. However, it can be a good way to learn about types of mortgages and ask any questions that you have without being charged.