- Jean-Luc Picard - Wikipedia

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Jean-Luc Picard is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise, most often seen as the captain of the Federation starship USS  Enterprise   (NCC-1701-D) . Played by Patrick Stewart , Picard has appeared in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG ) and the premiere episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , as well as the feature films Star Trek Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002). He is also featured as the c

After the success of the contemporary Star Trek feature films , a new Star Trek television series featuring a new cast was announced on October 10, 1986. [1] Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry named Picard for (one or both of) the twin brothers Auguste Piccard and Jean Piccard , 20th-century Swiss scientists. [2] [3]

Patrick Stewart , who has a background of theater at the Royal Shakespeare Company , [4] was initially considered for the role of Data . [5] Roddenberry did not want to cast Stewart as Picard, since he had envisioned an actor who was "masculine, virile, and had a lot of hair". [6] Roddenberry's first choice was Stephen Macht , and it took "weeks of discussion" with Robert H. Justman , Rick Berman , and the casting director to convince him that "Stewart was the one they had been looking for to sit in the cap