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We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 27 passuk 3 – the very chapter we are reading now during Elul – L’dovid Hashem Ori. Dovid Hamelech refers to ‘this’ that he trusts in, despite the enemy encampments that surround him. ‘This’ refers to the Torah, to the light and guidance of Hashem, and His promise…

What is the lesson we are to learn from ‘what happened to Miriam’ when we left Egypt? Why does negative speech cause the Divine Presence to leave us, Heaven forbid? How does focusing on the positive have the opposite effect – bringing Hashem into our lives, and bringing about salvation and Siyata Dishmaya? Why were…

We study together ch. 26 passuk 1 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech’s conviction of his straightness and confidence in Hashem. We study a few angles of this, but one of them is the importance of having Bitachon in Hashem specifically as regards our relationship with Hashem, and making sure we focus this powerful tool on…

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