- Journal of Biophilic Design

Description: Biophilic Design, Forest Therapy, Feng Shui, Biophilia and the benefits of nature, our podcast about nature teaches and inspires you. Prints and wall art of the photography of Vanessa Champion, for wellbeing, wellness in the workplace, offices, home offices, work from home, wfh. Bringing the outside in through nature prints, natures capes, landscapes. Homewear cushions with green plants and water.

Example domain paragraphs

We are academic publishers and broadcasters of research into the health and environmental benefits of Biophilic Design, we interview thought leaders on many different aspects from urban planning to home design, architects to acousticians. We also offer a networked consultancy service, advising on the benefits of Biophilic Design connecting you with the expertise you need. The JBD also publish Virtual Nature Walls as prints, wall art, large scale murals, landscape acoustic panels, video projections and high

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“Look up, through the leaves of the trees…