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As the first wave of images flow onto the internet featuring the elite and lucky few who have gotten their Explorer Editions of Google Glass, much of the discourse over Glass has focused on the intrusiveness and awkwardness of wearing the product. Is privacy an issue if you don't know if people are recording? Is it really going to be socially advisable to wear this ridiculous piece of electronics above your eye? These are appropriate questions to ask, but they also sidestep the larger question of what Glass

It turns out that they have. In all of Google's marketing material and in speeches from their top executives , one theme has definitely emerged as their selling point for Glass. It isn't necessarily a smartphone replacement but rather a new way to experience and capture the world without the distractions that come with looking down at a phone. By putting the screen at the top of your line of sight, along with a camera, Google believes that you can experience the world with fewer distractions. Check your tex

A central tenant for why Google believes this will be less distracting seems to be rooted in their belief that reducing friction between you and your device is the secret to being less distracted. On the face of it (every pun intended), it seems to make sense, but a few moments of historical reflection show that they are incredibly misguided in their messaging.