- Aquacity Metaverse – Create. Explore, P2E & Build Your Own Digital World

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Instagram Twitter Tiktok Telegram-plane Discord Youtube Medium-m Envelope English English 简体中文 // need to have the same with set from JS on both divs. Otherwise it can push stuff around in HTML var trp_ls_shortcodes = document.querySelectorAll('.trp_language_switcher_shortcode .trp-language-switcher'); if ( trp_ls_shortcodes.length > 0) { // get the last language switcher added var trp_el = trp_ls_shortcodes[trp_ls_shortcodes.length - 1]; var trp_shortcode_language_item = trp_el.querySelector( '.trp-ls-shor

As a result, these youngsters, who also happen to be specialists in the field of digital assets, came up with the idea of Aquacity, an aquatic-themed metaverse. Our core team consists of senior programmers and designers,some of whom are former Coinbase platform programmers.

Aquacity Metaverse aims to create an entertaining yetprofitable system within our platform in order to fulfil our users’ desire to earn unlimited passive incomes from a single project.

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