apt96.com - APT96.com

Description: My Personal Website

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This is my personal website. Yes, a personal website like in the old days of the web, not a facebook or instagram feed or anything like that. I don't use social media, it always seems to bring out the worst in people and full of pointless arguments. But I wanted somewhere online to write down my thoughts about stuff and things I find interesting, hence this website. Have a look around if you want, I am mainly interested in privacy topics, digital security, and civil rights.

In my spare time I do a lot of online gaming, at the moment mainly Arma, EVE Online, and World Of Warcraft. I also like taking photos of emergency vehicles I come across, you can see more of that on my Flickr albums (link below).

The personal website of APT96. The main topics covered are privacy, digital security, and civil rights. In my spare time I do a lot of online gaming, at the moment that is mainly Arma 3, EVE Online, and World Of Warcraft.