apjacob.me - Athul Paul Jacob

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Athul Paul Jacob

I am a Ph.D. student in AI, multi-agent systems and, NLP at MIT CSAIL , advised by Jacob Andreas . I received my master's degree from MIT EECS in 2022, where my thesis was co-advised by Noam Brown and Jacob Andreas . In 2019, I completed my bachelor's in computer science, combinatorics and optimization at the University of Waterloo , where I was advised by Pascal Poupart . From 2016 until 2018, I was also a visiting student researcher at Mila where I worked under the supervision of Yoshua Bengio .

I have been fortunate to intern at Facebook AI Research several times in 2018, 2020 and 2021 as a researcher, where I was mentored by Noam Brown , Kyunghyun Cho and Mike Lewis . I have also previously worked as a research intern at Microsoft Research in fall 2017 and winter 2018 with Alessandro Sordoni and Adam Trischler .

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