- Ann K Yates – Mental Health & Psychiatric Care for Anchorage, Alaska

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I want to hear your story, understand your concerns and needs and support you on your path to feeling better.  During the visit, there are three services I can offer you if they’re appropriate. ​ Medication can provide about 30% of your healing path and is a very helpful first step. ​ The next step is using mindfulness skills, described more in this website, that are research-based and easy to use and fit into your busy life.  Mindfulness skills are simple ways to help your brain stay calm and focused. ​ Fr

​I work with adults, ages 18 and up, though I will take individuals as young as 16 after an initial evaluation to ensure a good fit. I work with individuals only and will refer within the community for couples or family therapy. Note: I will do therapy sessions that include my client’s spouse or family member(s) if it helps my client to further build understanding and supportive relationships, but the focus is on my client as an individual, not on the marriage or family.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you get back on your path to health and happiness!