- MacKoul Pediatrics | Fort Myers Pediatric Office

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I was quite surprised when I brought up the idea of making masks optional in the office for ‘Well Child Visits.’ My staff was adamant that we continue wearing masks. They have been healthier and enjoy having full staff attendance due to everyone being well.

I checked with many sources and I think the ‘Pediatric News,’ had the best summary on: Medical Review supports continued mask-wearing in health care written by Jay Croft:

A new study urges people to continue wearing protective masks in medical settings, even though the U.S. public health emergency declaration around Covid-19 has expired. Masks lower the risk of catching the virus, according to the study, published in Annals of Internal Medicine (2023 May 16. doi: 10.7326/M23-0570). And there was not much difference between wearing surgical masks and N95 respirators. The researchers reviewed 3 randomized trials and 21 observational studies to compare the effectiveness of thos