- Anna Di Natale

Example domain paragraphs

Hi, I'm Anna!

I studied mathematics at the University of Bologna, in Italy. I am interested in applied mathematics, in particular to linguistics. Let me tell you why. I have always had a strong passion for literature and in general for everything that has to do with the act of writing. For example, I have always loved writing letters to my friends and sending them by post (even if it was already old fashioned when I started), I was into calligraphy before it become a trend, I love reading anything I can find and I notice

A short disclaimer about my surname. Yes, it's Di Natale, with two capitals! Please, pay attention to this! My surname is constituted by two words, but it's only one surname. It's not the combinations of two surnames, so please do not call me only Natale. Use both of them. As a consequence, when listing people alphabetically, please put me at the letter D, not N. If you are Austrian, please note that the Di in my surname is not the von of some noble titles.