- an introverted blogger – Author : Nadia Hasan

Description: Author : Nadia Hasan

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Dear Kid 1,

I will miss watching you run. The last run of your track & field season came to an end a few weeks ago. That evening, as I walked along the sidelines crowded with students from different schools cheering on the athletes in this electrifying atmosphere – I thought I was really going to miss all of this! And more importantly, I would miss watching you run amidst this crowd! This was the last run of your high school career.

I am not a runner. Nor do I fully understand the intricacies of your splits, your cadence, or the difference in your 3K or 5K pace. But every time I see you on the track, I am reminded of the person you have become. You’ve always been the first to support a teammate and tell them they had a good run. You’ve learned to be humble in victory and when you didn’t get a PB (which was often) you were gracious in defeat. The way I have seen you grow and mature on the field is beyond words.