- The Animated Librarian Quilts | Rediscovering an Old Friend

Description: Rediscovering an Old Friend

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For those of you who may not know. Sewing with clear vinyl can be a troubling task for the uninitiated. I managed to make gifts this year using clear vinyl and I have a tip or two as well as my general showing off 🙂

Above is a project bag. I made it for a friend for her birthday and I am quite proud. These little suckers go for about $16-$20+ on Amazon and at our local quilt shops. They are incredibly handy and easy to drop money on. I found an $8 pattern on Craftsy   and voila! I can make as many as I want. A little clear vinyl, a little fabric, ribbon and fusible fleece from my stash and we’re good to go. I filled it with notions I knew she’d love and finally I had a gift that I thought she’d really appreciate (and i

Another friend of mine (the panda mom from my previous post ) had a baby shower and I decided to bite the bullet and actually make her an item instead of going to Baby’s R Us ( I find that place overwhelming and knowing nothing about babies I am simply lost):