- i·Da/trav·e·logue/wan·der·lust – iDa . travel . fitness . food . life . et . cetera .

Description: iDa . travel . fitness . food . life . et . cetera .

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iDa . travel . fitness . food . life . et . cetera .

It is quite astronomical to maintain your own name domain dot come and not updating it. Haha. Happy 2023 everyone. I know it’s been a while since, my last update here. Well i guess, am living my life and been busy with work, trying to complete the biggest project in my life, yet. Also, it…

It’s been… almost 5 months since my second dose of Astra Zanecca covid-19 vaccine. I am so far, well and taking the highest precaution not to get infected and spreading to others. Malaysian government recently speeding up and reducing the period of booster shot from 6 months (of AZ) to 3 months and lotsa people…