- Angeletics - Angeletics

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What is Angeletics? The term angeletics comes from Greek angelos / angelia, meaning messenger / messages. We use these terms when we refer to angels or divine messengers. There is a long tradition in theology and religious studies called angelology. Angeletics is in this regard different from angelology. Its purpose is to study the phenomenon of messages and messengers within the boundaries of the human condition, having as its primary object human communication but including technical and natural processes

The discipline of Angeletics was developed by Professor Rafael Capurro in the 1990’s as an essential component of his philosophy of communication and information – see his founding article at amongst his home page resources at

A comprehensive insight into the Influence of Capurro’s thought on contemporary intellectual life is provided by the recently published Festschrift in his honour entitled Information Cultures in the Digital Age (Edited by Matthew Kelly and Jared Bielby. Springer, Wiesbaden, 2016)