- Andrew Robert Munn, Bass

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Andrew Robert Munn, Bass

Andrew Munn performs on opera and concert stages across Europe and North America, including principle roles and world premieres at Carnegie Hall, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Munich Biennale for Music Theater, Salzburg State Theater, and Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik . Andrew pursued a bachelors degree in voice at the University of Michigan, where he studied with George Shirley. A political and ecological awakening in 2007 led Andrew to dedicate himself to the movement for climate justice. For six years h

Next to his work on the operatic stage, Andrew’s work as a creative artist and reinterpreter of historic repertoire is gaining recognition. For the concept “ Winterreise in a post-Winter World,” he was named a finalist for the 2021 Rhonefestival für Liedkunst’s Lieder Innovation Prize. With the American pianist Jacob Greenberg, he is realizing the concept as a duet between Schubert’s masterpiece and sonified climate data. For Berlin Verses, his English-language adaptations of Hanns Eisler’s settings of poem