- Andrew Koch, Poetry

Description: Andrew Koch is a poet living in Denton, TX and a PhD candidate at The University of North Texas.

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I’m thankful to the good folks at Five Points (a journal I’ve admired for at least a decade or more) for publishing one of mine about growing up a church kid and the humble magic of church accoutrement. This poem is 5+ years old and has been through many iterations. Even looking at it today I see things I would tweak. So it’s especially gratifying that it’s found such a great home with Five Points. (Also, thanks to Danielle Weeks and Jess Bryant for providing eyes on latter stages of this one)

The new issue of The Arkansas International just came out and it features a poem of mine called “Children’s Bible” inspired by my experiences growing up as a Pastor’s kid in a Protestant church but also just inspired by my own fatherhood and coming of age. It’s got some of the Bible’s Greatest Hits: Samson’s donkey’s jawbone, elephants in Noah’s Ark, angels with flaming swords, and so much more! Also, pleasantly surprised to share this issue with mentor Jonathan Johnson and Poet Laureate Ted Kooser! Also al

The new issue of Alaska Quarterly Review features a poem of mine called “Travertine.” Thank you so much to fantastic editor Ronald Spatz for graciously including it in AQR’s latest Spring/Summer ‘22 edition. The poem’s title comes from the geological phenomenon created when limestone’s eroded out of a larger geologic structure, giving the appearance of something like curtains or liquid rock (if you’ve seen Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone, you’ve seen travertine). The poem itself, however, is less concern

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