- Andrei Corovei – Software Architect, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Example domain paragraphs

While in the faculty, my teachers taught me two important lessons: “a line of code is written once, but read 100 times: write it well” and “you will spend 90% of the time as a programmer reading existing code and only 10% writing new code”. Both turned out to be true, although, I bet there are some lines of code that were read more than 100 times, some even more than 1000. In this article, I want to share my 6 steps framework that I use when I do code reviews to assure that when code is pushed into the code

And then, just for the fun of it, I also asked Chat GPT how to do it.

We all went through this, wanting to build a fancy plane, but the client only wanted a decent car or sometimes, sadly, the other way around. Before looking at any line of code, I would like to know what the developer had to do in the job and that the flows were in big lines covered. Arguably, this will also be tested later by the QA, but there is no point in going to the next steps if the implementation is different than what was asked to do. If by chance I am familiar with the domain in question, I sometim