- Andreas Bender

Description: Andreas Bender, group leader at the Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge

modeling (1442) chemistry (1055) bioinformatics (426) drug discovery (165) cadd (57) drug design (31) chemoinformatics (19) cheminformatics (18) in silico toxicity (1) virtual screeening (1)

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What's up in Bangalore?

According to Maldacena, our universe may be a three-dimensional membrane living in a four-dimensional anti de Sitter space. 'This picture is looking increasingly plausible' says Prof Duff. - The Daily Telegraph, 7 August 2002 I actually like theoretical physicists, but they tend to oversimplify things.

Although antigen expressed in potato for use in humans was effective in animals, the cooking required for human consumption of the vegetable destroyed the immunogenocity of the antigen. - Drug Discovery and Development, H P Rang (ed.), 1st edition, p. 190. Yep folks, that's science.

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