- Page Hughes

Example domain paragraphs

D eut. 11-14, Acts 14: Every time I read this passage the same thing comes to my mind. It is Choices! We all have choices to make each day and our choices determine the path we will encounter. If we choose God’s way we will encounter blessings. That does not mean that we will be rich or have a big house. It means God’s favor will be with us even in the hard times. The opposite is true too. If we choose the way of man or our own way we choose the curse or conflict that comes with it. Here is how God put it.

2 Samuel 5:1-10, 1 Chronicles 11-12, John 21: I love to follow a good leader! I love to be inspired, challenged, led to new heights and accomplishments. David must have been that kind of leader! He had men to follow him that were the best of the best. They were attracted to him even when running from the current leadership. As I looked at the list of mighty men today and where they came from it was amazing that so few of them came from the same area of the country. It was as though the champions of each reg

P salm 140-142, Mark 5: I will begin with a disclaimer, I am in a great place now and am not experiencing what you are about to read, but I know there are many that are. These words may not apply to you today, if so, thank the Lord. If they do, hang in there, this too shall pass and with time hearts are healed. David found himself in these Psalms being pursued. You have probably never been physically pursued to the point that people wanted to take your physical life. However you might have been in a situati