- Trump Mustache | Face it: We don't need another Hitler.

Description: Recalling Adolf Hitler's iconic mustache; ours were made to help protesters raise awareness of Trump's disturbing parallels with the worst dictators of all time. Be afraid. But be funny about it. Give Trump some lip!

trump (550) donald (135) hitler (89) adolf (32) dictator (14) moustaches (8) mustaches (5)

Example domain paragraphs

We despise hatred. We despise global conflict. We despise corporate greed. We cannot continue with 1% owning the rest of us. We reject “Amerrika”, land of the fee, home of the slave.

Short of an ELECTION RESET We've lost all hope of refuting the broken election itself. (Yes, we need election reform.) But when we say...

We're not being sore losers: We say it because this figurehead mocks dignity & fairness. While he occupies the ultimate position of trust, it degrades the whole human potential of the United States.

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