- Academy of Radio Arts & Sciences

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KDKA WRD Award presented World Radio Day Award 2023 World Radio Day 2023 Academy of Radio Arts & Sciences Shanghai hosts World Radio Day 2017 event Meeting of the International Radio Committee at UNESCO, Paris 2017 Meeting of the International Radio Committee at UNESCO, Paris 2015 World Radio Day-interview with Stephane Dujarric      

The theme for the 12th edition of the World Radio Day, to be celebrated on 13 February 2023, is "Radio and Peace".

War, as an antonym to peace, signifies an armed conflict between countries or groups within a country, but may also translate into a conflict of media narratives. The narrative can increase tensions or maintain conditions for peace in a given context - for instance weigh in on the rough or smooth conduct of elections, the rejection or integration of returnees, the rise or tempering of nationalistic fervour, etc. In reporting and informing the general public, radio stations shape public opinion and frame a n