- Encyclopedia of American Loons

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It’s … The Encyclopedia of American loons! Our new and exciting series presenting a representative sample of American loons from A-Z.

In any case, if you wish to know the relationship between chemtrails , Anunnaki , lizard people and the conspiracy to suppress the benefits of MMS , Project Camelot is the place to go. The ‘project’ was primarily funded by Cassidy’s inheritance, with support from Ryan and convicted felon and self-declared psychic Sean David Morton . The pair also arranged the Awake and Aware conspiracy conferences featuring luminaries like Morton and New Age pseudoscientist David Wilcock . The conferences are, according to

Many of the conspiracy theories promoted on the show concern aliens and space travel, and to give you an idea of the kind of drivel they promote, here’s Cassidy on the war in Iraq: “ Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we’re having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wi