- American Exile – A community resource for Americans going into exile.

Description: A community resource for Americans going into exile.

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A community resource for Americans going into exile.

With his latest cabinet pick for Secretary of State– the CEO of Exxon –Trump is making it abundantly clear he is the key agent for the Oligarchs in the United States. Not even the CIA’s assessment that Trump is Putin’s pick can stop him.  So Putin and Trump and their American Oligarchs will be moving quickly to dismantle the American government and constitution. Their efforts will be structural , outside of public attention, and obscured by whatever latest sideshow Trump concocts. By 2018 there will be litt

So, besides moving to another country–which this blog is designed to help you do–what can you do?  As the government fractures, federalism might be a good place to focus energy for positive political change. The Oligarchs are genuinely afraid of empowering local progressive democracies in the US or abroad (for example, Scotland) . So secession movements might be the best place to rally. Here are seven good reasons you should move to a secession state.