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American-Chinese CEO Society is to foster trade investment and expanding opportunities between U.S. CEO's and Chinese CEO's as well as leading officials, business leaders and owners of U.S. companies who want to do business in China, and Chinese companies who want to do business in U.S.. By harnessing the energy of members it solves problems and enhances the effectiveness of each member's own companies and smooth the roads of trade for all who do business between our two great countries.

享誉全球的第四届奥斯卡“好莱坞 中国之夜”年度盛典,近期在美国洛杉矶市,比华利山庄希尔顿大酒店 隆重举行! 盛典开幕式上,来自世界各国的明星大腕,众星云集,汇聚一堂,共同见证了“好莱坞中国之夜”的璀璨夺目!主办方 美中企业家商会 主席 孙文铁 主席,盛装出席 致开幕词!  
