- Alpen Suite Hotel in Madonna di Campiglio

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Vacanze sicure document.body.classList.remove('simple-header'); Suites Kitchen Services Well-being 5 STARS IN MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO. Alpen Suite  Hotel Outside, the spectacle of the Dolomites in the silence of the Adamello Brenta park. Inside, the typical mountain warmth personalized by the good rite of hospitality. Thoughtful gestures, attention and discretion are at home. Here harmony, calm and pleasure reign. Only 28 suites. An inviting swimming pool. La cucina del Convivio. Innovation in tradition. Welln

Principi Suite Eco-friendly spaces inspired by the beauty of the Dolomites. Style and warmth, taste and flavour, classic features and natural wood: simple ingredients that improve our well-being. Elegant. Regal. Charming.

Dame Suite

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