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Celebration of Historic Mujibnagar Day by Bangladesh High Commission in Ottawa, Canada. On the occasion of celebrating the Historic Mujibnagar Day, a special program was undertaken by the Bangladesh High Commission in Ottawa on 17 April 2023.At the beginning of the program, the speeches of Hon’ble President and Hon’ble Prime Minister as received from MoFA,   Read More…»

Severe heat wave is sweeping over Bangladesh causing mental and physical distress. In this situation, Padma Wallet brings a little relief for the customers of Padma Bank. This app has been upgraded so that customers do not have to rush to branch to branch for banking services in this heat.Customers can transfer funds 24 hours   Read More…»

The activation campaign of the Bangabandhu Innovation Grant (BIG) 2023 was organized by the Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (iDEA) Project of the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the ICT Division of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on Sunday, April 16 2023, at the Heroic Freedom Fighter Lieutenant Sheikh Jamal Software Technology   Read More…»