- Alissa B. Davis

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The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the traditional gender gap between female and male entrepreneurs. Babson College reports even before the onset of the pandemic female entrepreneurs earned 30 cents per dollar of a large business. The pandemic has only highlighted these differences between the genders, with female-owned businesses hit the hardest by COVID-19. Literary agent, Nancy Etz, has fought to become a success in her field and feels COVID-19 will see many female-owned businesses shuttered for good.

The issue of childcare consistently rises to the surface for female entrepreneurs. The traditional view of childcare is that it is the responsibility of females within a family. Nancy Etz explains parenting issues have become a problem during COVID-19, with the closure of schools leaving children in the care of working parents. Female entrepreneurs have seen the time they have available for their business and clients slashed as they have faced the issue of parenting full-time during the pandemic. Becoming a

Parenting during lockdowns forced on families by COVID-19 does not only affect female entrepreneurs. Douglas Magazine reports women in business are more likely to employ females in important positions. The gender gap has been widening between the people employed by male and female-led companies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the gender gap caused issues for female entrepreneurs who lost many of their female employees to childcare issues.

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