- Alison Sher - Author & Narrative Strategist

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Viral Ideologies & The Culture War for America’s Future

The Social Contagion is a literary immunization for the “viruses of the mind” that have taken over the Western World since COVID’s outbreak. It analyzes the memes pervading the contemporary American psyche, shaping individual perceptions and group identities. The world endured a collective trauma that pitted communities against each other in a cultural civil war over constitutional freedoms. This surprisingly humorous new book about the ideological splits that have arisen in the US since 2020 depicts the ev

Alison Sher is a multiply published author, investor, educator, coach, and start up catalyst. She has served as an editor, writer, and contributor on 12+ book projects and helped numerous social enterprises in the start up phase of development crystalize their mission and messaging throughout the 15 years she has been in business. The focus of her original book concepts revolves around forging a transpersonal outlook on social psychology and peacebuilding through dialectics.