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Description: Join the movement to accelerate progress and align around critical issues to reduce maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity and prevent stillbirths worldwide.

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Share Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Email Email Thanks for joining us for IMNHC 2023! In case you missed it, watch plenary recordings, review presentation slides, and more… Watch Plenary Recordings Presentation Slides Conference Report Featured Resources Video AlignMNH Masterclass: The E-MOTIVE Trial Experts who led the E-MOTIVE trial break down the prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), the structure and implementation of the trial, and how if scaled up, it could substantially reduce deaths. Report Improvi

Quality of Care WHO’s framework for improving quality of care for women and newborns around the time of childbirth encompasses the provision and experience of care and key health system functions necessary to achieve quality health care. This collection of resources is divided into two sub-collections: one that explores provision of care and one that explores experience of care.

Postpartum Hemorrhage Discover key resources to help prevent, detect, and manage postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), the leading cause of maternal mortality globally. This collection of resources includes key and emerging evidence on PPH, global recommendations and guidelines, and implementation tools and resources to improve PPH prevention and treatment.

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