- Shift W.L.L - Shift Group

Description: In 2013 we announced a mission of forming a group joining together our multiple business entities with our long-term management vision for sustainable growth management beyond tomorrow.

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In 2013 we announced a mission of forming a group joining together our multiple business entities with our long-term management vision for sustainable growth management beyond tomorrow. Naturally, we cannot accurately predict what the world will be like in ten or twenty years time. That is why we laid the foundation for a solid operating platform that can help us sustain growth even under uncertain conditions.

To achieve our vision, we are working to address two overriding issues: transforming our business model and improving the profitability of our local and international operations. Our Manufacturing and Retail businesses are shifting to a consulting-based approach to meet individual needs and diversifying our offerings by working closely with clients as a reliable partner. In Wholesale, we are focusing on our areas of strength where there’s client demand and recalibrating our business portfolio to take our se