- Algorithmic Finance

Description: Algorithmic Finance is a high-quality academic research journal that seeks to bridge computer science and finance, including high frequency and algorithmic trading, statistical arbitrage, momentum and other algorithmic portfolio management strategies, machine learning and computational financial intelligence, agent-based finance, complexity and market efficiency, algorithmic analysis on derivatives, behavioral finance and investor heuristics, and news analytics.

algorithmic finance. bridging computer science and finance. (1)

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Algorithmic Finance is both a nascent field of study and a new high-quality academic research journal that seeks to bridge computer science and finance. It covers such applications as:

We are seeking papers on the topics listed above, or, more generally, papers at the intersection of theoretical computer science and theoretical or empirical finance. Initial submissions must be in PDF format. See style instructions . There is no submission fee or publication fee. Submissions are double-blind peer reviewed. Your submission may not be under review at any other journal while it is under review at Algorithmic Finance.

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