- Alexander Oloo

Description: I solve business problems using design and code. I build APIs, craft user experiences, and mentor designers & devs. My toolbox consists of Coaching, Clojure, Javascript, Vue, Angular, CSS, Product Design, UX, and UI.

designer (14177) developer (8602) engineer (3166) frontend (1438) angular (1415) mentor (1392) backend (787) vuejs (393) clojure (170) clojurescript (15)

Example domain paragraphs

Human. Engineer. Designer.

I’ve been at this manager thing for a while and it’s hard. Hard but rewarding. I’ve built some high performing teams and without a doubt a key factor in my success has been 1-on-1s. When I keep to them diligently the team goes from strength to strength, and so do I. When I deprioritise them…yip you guessed it, bad things happen.

Circa 2016 I started my journey into the land of experience design. The journey from frontend dev to design director has been one heck of adventure. I’ve been extremely lucky to have had some excellent mentors, managers, and sponsors along the way. This post is not about them, but rather the books that accompanied me along the way.

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