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WingMan Home Download PRM / ERM Noiacoin Partnerships Menu WingMan Home Download PRM / ERM Noiacoin Partnerships WingMan For Recovery Helping addicts go from dependence to independence WingMan For Recovery is a free ground-breaking conversational app that you can talk to about your addiction and earn Noiacoin rewards.

24/7 assistance Voice Chat Interaction Machine Learning Proven Recovery Help with Cravings WingMan For Recovery Focused on the 5- to 20-minute period during which an addict experiences a craving, an intense desire to drink or use, WingMan For Recovery offers a range of encouragement, productive distraction, quick access to resources and incentives to help push through the craving and aid the long term success of sustaining recovery.

The app uses a conversational voice chat & SMS-like UI to interact with a machine learning-enabled engine to create a personalized approach to your recovery. WingMan is just like a sponsor or caring counselor who is immediately available 24/7 — whenever a craving hits. It is not intended to replace existing relationships or treatments, but rather to provide additional and immediate assistance to individuals in recovery.