- Albert Herd – Just a notepad to scribble my thoughts

Description: Just a notepad to scribble my thoughts

Example domain paragraphs

Just to get this out of the way, you might find conflicting information on the internet saying that now, Kafka doesn’t require a Zookeeper installation, referred to as KRaft. As of time of writing, KRaft was just marked production ready just a month ago. At this point I still think that it might be a bit too early to adopt, especially given that tools to support KRaft may be immature. Confluent still marks KRaft as early access . So, let’s focus on a Kafka with Zookeeper.

What is Zookeeper? It is a tool which end products may use; on its own it doesn’t really do much. If your product requires distributed coordination while being highly reliable, then Zookeeper is a great product. In fact, therefore Kafka uses it. Kafka uses Zookeeper to hold multiple data structures, such as:

Truth be told, you should not be super concerned on how they work in the background; this is just information that Kafka stores to remain functional. The main takeaway is that these are all decisions that need to be co-ordinated across a cluster, which Zookeeper does on behalf of Kafka.