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Do you feel like you have great ideas but can never seem to get them across to your colleagues? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with communication in the workplace. However, with a few simple tips, you can start getting your ideas across effectively. John De Ruiter will discuss six ways that you can communicate your ideas effectively at work!

Knowing when to speak up can be difficult, especially in a situation such as a heated work meeting or dinner conversation. However, having the right timing can be key in order to effectively express your thoughts and feelings. It’s important to take into account the context of the discussion and assess if everybody has the capacity of listening before you dive into an argument.

It may be beneficial to wait for a more opportune moment when emotions are less charged and all parties involved have had more time to think through their own thoughts. Ultimately, by gauging when it’s appropriate to join a dialogue, you’ll ensure that your words are heard and respected.