- Celeb health fitness

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First up, we have Gwyneth Paltrow. She's the queen of all things wellness and has created her own brand, Goop, to share her lifestyle tips with the world. But, do these tips actually work? Some of her recommendations include vaginal steaming, bee-sting facials, and jade eggs. Yes, you heard that right. Jade eggs. I'm not sure about you, but I think I'll stick to my regular old skincare routine.

Next, we have Zac Efron. He's ripped and seems to have a pretty healthy lifestyle, but did you know he follows a strict vegan diet? I'm not knocking the vegan lifestyle, but it's no secret that it can be difficult to get all of the necessary nutrients on a plant-based diet. Plus, have you seen those vegan pizzas? Let's just say they don't exactly look appetizing.

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