akorba.github.io - Anna Korba

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Since September 2020, I am an assistant professor at ENSAE / CREST in the Statistics Department. My main line of research is in statistical machine learning. I have been working on kernel methods, optimal transport and ranking data. Currently, I am particularly interested in dynamical particle systems for ML and kernel-based methods for causal inference. I am also a co-administrator of the Master Data Science of Ecole Polytechnique .

May 2023: co-organizing with Adil Salim and Avetik Karagulyan a minisymposium on Wasserstein gradient flows and their applications at SIAM OP 23 . January 2023: Our paper with Lingxiao Li , Qiang Liu , Mikhail Yurochkin , and Justin Solomon on Sampling by optimizing a mollified (Riesz) interaction energy was accepted at ICLR 2023 . September 2022: Our paper with Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankwoski and Flavien Léger on mirror descent on measure spaces, with applications to Sinkhorn for OT and EM, has been accepted

From December 2018 to August 2020 I was a postdoctoral researcher at Gatsby Unit , University College London (UCL) , working with Arthur Gretton . From October 2015 to October 2018, I was a PhD student at Télécom ParisTech , in the S2A (Signal, Statistics and Learning) team, supervised by Stephan Clémençon . Before that in 2015, I graduated the Master MVA (Machine Learning and Computer Vision) from ENS Cachan and ENSAE . More details can be found in my resume [EN] .

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