akheskin.com - Journey into Digital - Uncovering the Digital Humanities

Description: Uncovering the Digital Humanities

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Uncovering the Digital Humanities

Over the course of the semester, I have been introduced to a variety of tools and resources. OpenRefine for tidying data, coding with HTML, visualizing data with programs like Tableau and QGIS, creating exhibits with Omeka, managing information with Tropy and Zotero, annotating IIIF images with Scholar’s Workbench (and finally learning what IIIF means!), creating and editing audio files with Audacity, and that only scratches the surface.

After a crash course with Audacity in a previous post, a new project tasked me with trying my hand (or, voice) at podcasting. This involved writing, performing, and editing two 3-5 minute episodes with topics relating to previous materials in the course.