ajeshaluga.com - AjeShaluga.com

Description: Aje Shaluga is the Orisha of money, currency, and exchange.

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According to legend...

Thousands of years ago, there was a king who was an incarnation of Shango , who had a wife who was an incarnation of Oshun . The king died honorably, but his successors were unmerciful towards his surviving wives and children. So Oshun found herself a single mother, penniless and shut out of the market and professional venues, with no way to feed her children but to sell her body. So she did.

One would think that being the embodiment of beauty, this would be easy for her, but it was not. For you see, beauty without status is treated as a disposable consumable in this world. So she was happily used, but not very well cared for.

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