ajeetksingh.github.io - Ajeet Kumar Singh

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Ajeet Kumar Singh Tata Research Development and Design Center TCS Innovation Labs, Pune Pune - 411013 (MH), India

I am a Research Engineer at the Cybersecurity Lab in TCS Research, Pune. I did my MS by Research working under supervision of Prof. C.V. Jawahar and Prof. Anand Mishra (now at IIT Jodhpur) on script and language identification in document images and scene images at IIIT Hyderabad. I also did internship under mentorship of Dr. Nataraj Jammalmadakka (now at Amazon Lab126) at Intel Labs, Bengaluru.

My current research interest spans Computer Vision, Adversarial Machine Learning. To be specific, my aim is to make the deep learning models more robust against the adversarial inputs.

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