- Airgun Wire - Airgun News, Guns, Accessories, Industry Happenings, Airsoft, and Competition

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Airgun News, Guns, Accessories, Industry Happenings, Airsoft, and Competition

Results are in for Round 2 of the American Legion’s Three-Position Postal event! The tournament offers those sporter and precision competitors affiliated with an American Legion Post the opportunity to test their marksmanship abilities in competition with other juniors throughout the nation. The course of fire for the tournament includes 60 shots for record at 10 meters (20 shots at prone, standing and kneeling positions), conducted in two postal phases. The second phase ran from Feb. 15 to … [Read More...]

The top athletes have been determined for the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Three-Position Regional Air Rifle Championship! The event was held in April at CMP’s own air gun competition centers in Ohio and Alabama as well as through the use of CMP’s mobile electronic range in Utah. The … [Read More...] about Larson Sets National Records at CMP’s Three-Position Air Rifle Regional Matches