- Agricultural Urbanism - Agricultural Urbanism is:

Example domain paragraphs

Agricultural urbanism (AU): Agricultural Urbanism is an approach to urban planning and development that foregrounds all elements of the food system across all parts of a city.   It’s about reconnecting those who live in cities to all the elements in the system that grows, processes, packages, distributes, sells, delivers, cooks, celebrates and educates about the food they eat – by integrating the food system visibly into every element of the city, and thereby creating a more vibrant and prosperous city as w

Re-inviting food back into city building:   There is extensive information available on all aspects of the global food system however, Agricultural Urbanism distinguishes itself from these other perspectives and movements by focusing on how each element of the food system can be most positively integrated into every aspect of city planning and development design. Through innovative planning and design strategies that marry development and food production, AU challenges the dichotomy and separation of cities

An Agricultural Urbanism framework : Agricultural Urbanism is based on a merging two frameworks including: