- Experience the Thrill of a Big Five Safari | African Travel Tour

Description: African Travel Tour is a tour, travel and safari company legally incorporated in Tanzania and operating in the entire East Africa.

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Mt. Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcanic mountain and the view of this majestic mountain’s gigantic snow-capped summit dome, rising high above the surrounding savannah is the one of Africa’s classic images.

More Info Cultural Tours Visit a traditional Maasai Boma where visitors learn about the culture of one of East Africa’s largest and most famous tribes. Witness their ancient life style, learn about their fascinating culture.

More Info Beach Holidays Few places evoke such romance as the fabled spice islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia -sleepy islands with beautiful unspoiled beaches and lush tropical vegetation. These exotic islands are one of the best honeymoon destinations.

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